
Change Single Selection Option List

177 bytes added, 18:37, 11 June 2017
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Single selection lists can be displayed on a field report data entry form template either as a list of radio buttons, or as a combo box. You can change the way a specific single selection list displays on a field report data entry form template, even if it is set by [[Change Display Option for Single Select | default (from in the Data Inventory Manager) ]] to display differently.
The following tables describe how to edit a specific list of radio buttons and a combo box, respectively.
{{note| If you wish to edit how every instance of ==Editing a single selection list displays, see [[HowTo:Edit Single Select Lists on the Design Pane|How To Edit Single Select Lists on the Design Pane]].}} Radio Buttons List==__NOEDITSECTION__
==Editing a Radio Buttons List== {| class="wikitable" width="500800" style="margin:10px;"
| width="150pt" | '''How To'''
| width="350pt650pt" | '''Step to Complete'''
| Set a Default Selection|| <ol>
<li>Select the list option on the design pane that you want to be the default.</li>
<li>Click '''Properties'''.</li>
:The Component Property Editor window displays.
==Editing a Combo Box==__NOEDITSECTION__
{| class="wikitable" width="500800" style="margin:10px"
| width="150pt" | '''How To'''
| width="350pt650pt" | '''Step to Complete'''
| Set a default selection ||
<li>Select a list optionfield on the design pane.</li>
<li>Click '''Properties'''.</li>
:The Component Property Editor window displays.
<li>Click the '''Custom Options Editor''' button.</li><li>Select the list options option to be the default.</li>
<li>Click '''Submit'''.</li>
:The list option is selected by default when the Data Entry Form template is opened.
| Change the order of list options ||
<li>Select a list optionfield on the design pane.</li>
<li>Click '''Properties'''.</li>
:The Component Property Editor window displays.\<li>Click the '''Custom Options Editor'''button.</li>:The Combo Box Options Display window displays.
<li>Select a list option.</li>
<li>Click the [[Image:UpBlueArrowUp_Arrow.png]] or [[Image:DownBlueArrowDown_Arrow.png]] to reorder move the option in the list. </li><li>Click '''Submit''' .</li></ol>
| Delete a list option ||
<ol><li>Select a combo boxlist option field on the design pane.</li> <li>Select Click '''Properties''' .</li>
:The Component Property Editor window displays.
<li> Click the '''Custom Options Editor'''button.</li>:The Combo Box Options Display window displays.<li> Select a list optionsoption. </li><li> Click the [[Image:RemoveEcksButton.png]].</li>:The option is deleted from the table.<li> Click '''Submit''' .</li>:The option no longer displays in the combo box.</ol>
| Edit a list option label ||
<li>Change the combo box into Select a radio button listoption field on the design pane.</li><li>Edit Click '''Properties'''.</li> :The Component Property Editor window displays.<li>Click the radio '''Custom Options Editor''' button list label.</li><li>When finishedIn the Display column, change double-click the radio button list option that you want to a combo boxchange. Edit the label in the field. </li><li>Click '''Submit'''.</li>:The label displays according to the changes made.
| Change a combo box to a radio button list ||
<li>Select a list optionfield on the design pane.</li>
<li>Click '''Properties'''.</li>
:The Component Property Editor window displays.
{{NavBox HowTo Data Entry Forms}}