
Move Form Elements within the Design Pane

170 bytes removed, 15:52, 29 May 2017
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The field report Data Entry Form templates that you create can be customised according to your preferences.
{{note| class="wikitable"|-| [[File:LightBulb.png|20px|<span title=""></span>]] Note that this only changes the visual placement of the element. To change the association of the element to another item record, refer to ''[[How to Determine the Associated Item Record of an Item Attribute]]''. |}}
To move a form element:
<li>Select the form element you would like to move.</li>
<li>Drag the selected element(s) to its new position in the design pane.</li>
{{note| class="wikitable"|-| [[File:LightBulb.png|20px|<span title=""></span>]] To align form elements vertically or horizontally, use first select the elements that you wish to align and then click the '''Align''' button. For more information, see ''See [[How to Align Form Elements]]''for more information.|}}
<ol start="3">
<li>To deselect the element(s), click in a blank area in the design pane.</li>
{{NavBox HowTo Data Entry Forms}}