{{TOC right}}
{{HowTo's|[[Upgrading IMSMANG from 5.04 to 5.05|Start }} is an application that consists of two layers; client and Stop Standalone Installations|Start server, and Stop Standalone Installations]]|[[HowTomay be configured in two different ways:View the Server and/or Client Output Message|View Console Messages|View Console Messages]]|[[HowTo:Start and Stop Client/Server Installations|Start and Stop Client/Server Installations]]}}===STANDALONE INSTALLATIONS===<ol><li>Double# stand-alone -click the '''IMSMA Tray Launcherboth''' server and client parts are on the '''same''' computer's desktop.</li>[[Image:TrayLaunch(incl.png]]database)<# client/ol>server - server and client(s) parts are on '''different''' computers but in the same '''network'''
{| styleborder="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;1"|align="leftcenter" style|- valign="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10pxtop"|[[Image:bulb2stand_alone_Architecture_2.png|25pxcenter|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.]]100px|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Or, choose ''Stand-alone Configuration'Start Menu''' > '''Programs''' > '''IMSMA Tray Launcher'''.|}]]<ol startdiv align="2center">><li>Right-click the '''IMSMA Control Centre''' and choose '''IMSMA Server''' > Stand-alone configuration'''Start Server'''.</li> [[Image:saS01.png]]</oldiv> {| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2Understanding Configuration Options - Networked Config.png|25pxcenter|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.]]300px|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| If a Windows Security Alert window appears, click the '''Unblock'Client/server Configuration'' button.|} :The Server Progress window closes when the server is started. ====Starting the IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> client====<ol><li>Insert the IMSMANG dongle into the computer's USB port.</li> [[Image:saS02.png]] <li>Right-click the IMSMA Control Centre and choose Start Client.</li> [[Image:saS03.png]] <li>Enter a user ID and password in the Login window and click OK.</li></ol> {| stylediv align="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.]]|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| The user ID and password are case-sensitive.|} :[[Image:saS04.png|425px]] ====Stopping the IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> client====<ol><li>Choose '''File''' > '''Exit'''.</li> [[Image:saS05.png]]<Client/ol> ====Stopping the IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> server====<ol><li>Right-click the configuration'''IMSMA Control Centre''' and choose '''IMSMA Server''' > '''Stop Server'''.</li> [[Image:saS06.png]] <li>Right-click the '''IMSMA Control Centre''' and choose '''Exit Control Centre'''.</lidiv>
====Starting the IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> server====
{| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"
|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.]]
|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| The instructions in this section are performed on a computer that is a dedicated server for IMSMA<sup>NG</sup>.
#Follow the instructions for “Starting the IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> server” in the Standalone Installations section of this guide{{note|You may read more about application layers and configuration [[Understanding Configuration Options | here]]. ====Stopping the IMSMANG server====#Follow the instructions for “Stopping the IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> server” in the Standalone Installations section of this guide. ====Starting the IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> client====}}
{| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"|align="left" styleSteps=="padding__NOEDITSECTION__For both stand-alone and client/server installations the steps to start and stop are identical. To start follow these steps: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2SaS07 no selected.png|25pxthumb|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.Control Centre Menu]]#[[Display the IMSMA Control Centre Icon|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"Display the IMSMA Control Centre Icon]]#[[Start the IMSMA Server| The instructions in this section are performed on each computer that is running Start the IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> as a shared application.Server]]#[[Log into IMSMA|}Start the IMSMA client]]
To stop follow these steps: #Follow [[Log out of IMSMA|Log out of IMSMA]]#[[Stop the instructions for “Starting IMSMA Server|Stop the IMSMANG client” in the Standalone Installations section of this guide. IMSMA Server]]# [[Exit Control Centre]]
==Other IMSMA Control Centre functions==Stopping Other functions in the IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> client====Control Centre menu:* [[Backup and Restore]]{* [[Use iReport | style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"Start iReport]]|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|* [[Image:stopSign2.png|25px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.Client Configuration Tool]]|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Before stopping * [[View the IMSMANG server, ensure that all IMSMANG client computers are disconnected from the server to prevent the loss of data Server and/or inconsistent data.Client Output Messages |}Console Window]]
#Follow the instructions for “Stopping the {{NavBox Working with IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> client” in the Standalone Installations section of this guide.}}[[Category:NAA]]