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MINT Customised Files

3,901 bytes added, 16:15, 15 November 2017
Created page with "{| class="wikitable sortable" |- !width="200" | Path !width="200" | File name !width="500" | Comment |- valign = "top" |- | WEB-INF\decorators || decorators.jsp || Changed..."
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!width="200" | Path
!width="200" | File name
!width="500" | Comment
|- valign = "top"
| WEB-INF\decorators || decorators.jsp || Changed application title; Logic to add the company name on the banner and the div '''bannerWrapper''' to centre the header; Removes the '''about''' link
| WEB-INF\jsp\modules\login || loginHelp.jsp || Changed message in the '''Need help logging in''' dialog
| WEB-INF\jsp\templates || control_tabSet.jsp || Check if really still needed
| WEB-INF\jsp\modules || commonJSTLScripts.jsp || Check
| WEB-INF\bundles || || Added properties and changed values. This defines the text messages shown on the MINT login page/welcome screen.
| WEB-INF\jsp\modules\home || home.jsp || Defines the login (home) page
| WEB-INF\jsp\modules\home\custom || all files || Organization-specific custom landing pages
| WEB-INF || || deploy.base.url=
| WEB-INF\bundles || All message properties files || All the language properties files (e.g. WEB-INF\bundles\ have been renamed to, e.g. WEB-INF\bundles\ This way, the default MINT text (English) is always displayed, regardless of the regional browser settings. Otherwise, the default Jaspersoft text would be displayed if the browser is set to a language for which a translation of the standard Jasper text exists. In the future, the customised MINT text can be translated to other languages.
| WEB-INF || || Contains the email configuration (reference to other documentation!)
| WEB-INF || applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml || Also needed for the email config, put ref to other documentation!
| WEB-INF || jasperserver-servlet.xml || This file sets the change password link to true (in order to display the change password link on the login page) and sets the following property to false (default is true), in order to prevent users to store their password in the browser: <property name="autoCompleteLoginForm" value="false"/>
| WEB-INF || applicationContext-security-web.xml || set the <property name="showStacktraceMessage" value="false"/> to false (default is true) in order to disable the display of stack trace messages. Stack traces reveal some information about the application, and security experts recommend that an application not display them.
| WEB-INF\classes\esapi || || set encryption.on=true (default: false) in order to turn on user session login encryption.
| WEB-INF || js.config .properties || set feature.audit_monitoring.enabled=true and audit.records.enabled=true and monitoring.records.enabled=true to enable auditing and monitoring
| WEB-INF || applicationContext-audit.xml || TODO
| WEB-INF || applicationContext-remote-services.xml || in the element <util:set id="customDataSourcesToHide">, comment out jsonDataSource and jsonSeriesDataSource in order to allow file-based data sources (cf. MARS-MINT integration).
| \scripts\bower_components\bi-report\src\bi\report\jive\view || GooglemapComponentView.js || All occurrences of "" need to be replace by "//"
| \optimized-scripts\bower_components\bi-report\src\bi\report\jive\view || GooglemapComponentView.js || All occurrences of "" need to be replace by "//"
| net\sf\jasperreports\components\map\resources\require || jasperreports-map.js || All occurrences of "" need to be replace by "//"
| net\sf\jasperreports\components\map\resources\templates || MapElementHtmlTemplate.vm || All occurrences of "" need to be replace by "//"


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