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Check coordinates distance and bearing 6.0

1,190 bytes added, 15:07, 9 October 2016
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{{Note | These rows needs to get user_entered_x and user_entered_y or user_entered_mgrs populated. NAA has UPDATE queries.}}
==Case 3 Colombia=={{Warning | New variation of Case 2 which we are currently investigating.}} ==Case 4 Misc Miscellaneous odd issues that needs to be corrected==
These errors may have been caused by
* user mistakes
{{Note | These rows needs to be investigated and updated manually. }}
==Case 5 ICR-368 to be included in October 2016 build==
The data is entered with 6.0 and is Distance/Bearing using MGRS. The calculated MGRS in ''user_entered_mgrs'' has the wrong format and should for consistency reasons and in order to avoid future issues be corrected when the build is available. Run this query (''DistBear Check bear dist NULL'') to check if you have any points that falls under Case 5. This query is '''NOT''' tested with MGRS.
"public".geopoint.user_entered_mgrs LIKE '% %'
{{Note | These rows needs to be have user_entered_mgrs updated. No updating query exists yet. }}
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