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Imsmaenum Duplicate fix

72 bytes added, 10:57, 7 October 2014
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This query lists the duplicate enumvalues created after the upgrade scripts. Note that there might be '''more ''' enumcategories than the four above:
imsmaenum.enumvalue ASC
The upgrade scripts wrongly add values to the four enumcategories so duplicates are created(This might be fixed now/NAA 2014-10-07). The upgrade scripts also set some of the existing enumvalues to '''inactive'''. Since all countries may have different duplicates and different options set to inactive there is no fit-all solution and therefore the duplicates enumvalues are best fixed semi-manually. <br/><br/>
[[Image: Duplicate enumvalue1.png | 350px]] <br/>
''Example of enumcategory with duplicates (Query 1)'' <br/> <br/>
# Open table ''imsmaenum'' with Navicat and sort on ''enumcategory''
# Compare the result set from '''before''' the upgrade scripts with current records
# Set ''isactive'' to t (TRUE) on the old rows if the country had them as Active in 5.08.04and delete the new rows.
# Repeat 3 - 4 until all are done and run Query 2 as double-check of no duplicates remain.
{{NavBox Upgrade}}

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