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{{TOC rightDISPLAYTITLE:<span style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px); clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);">{{FULLPAGENAME}}</span>}}__NOEDITSECTION__<!-- BANNER ACROSS TOP OF PAGE -->{| id="mp-topbanner" style="width:100%; background:#ddd; margin:1.2em 0 6px 0; border:1px solid #ddd;"| style=What is "width:61%; color:#000;" |<!-- "WELCOME TO IMSMA?" AND ARTICLE COUNT -->{| style="width:280px; border:none; background:none;"| style="width:280px; text-align:center; white-space:nowrap; color:#000;" |IMSMA<supdiv style="font-size:162%; border:none; margin:0; padding:.1em; color:#000;">NGWelcome to IMSMA Wiki,</supdiv> is an information management system designed to support the complex information management needs of the mine action community<div style="top:+0. Core elements of 2em; font-size:95%;">The IMSMAonline documentation</div><supdiv id="articlecount" style="font-size:85%;">NG[[Special:Statistics|{{#expr:{{formatnum:{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}|R}}-{{formatnum:{{PAGESINCATEGORY:NoPublic|pages}}|R}}}}]] articles</supdiv> include a MySQL database for storing and tracking mine action information and the various relationships among the data, a geographic information system (GIS) for analyzing and displaying geospatial information on maps and a reporting tool for generating reports of the data stored in the system. Its client{{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}|}<!-- PORTAL LIST ON RIGHT-HAND SIDE --server architecture enables stand>| style="width:13%; font-alone installations to support small programmes with one or two users as well as networked installations for large programmes with 50 or more users distributed across multiple sites and organisations. Additionally, size:95%;" |* [[The Making of IMSMA|History]]* [[Portal:Using IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> can be paired with several supporting components that directly interact with the |Using {{IMSMANG}}]]* [[Portal:IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> system.Administration|{{IMSMANG}} Administration]]* [[Portal:Remote_Entry| IMSMA Remote Entry]]| style="width:13%; font-size:95%;" |* [[Portal:Business Intelligence|Business Intelligence]]* [[Portal:GIS|GIS]]* [[Portal:Technical_Notes|Technical Notes]]* [[Portal:Training|Training]]|}
Designed with flexibility to support a range of uses, IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> can also be customised by individual programmes to suit their changing information management needs. This includes defining the type of mine action data to store in IMSMA<sup>NG</sup> and the relationships among the types, the forms used to enter the data into the system and the workflows that match the current or desired information model. So, significant attention must be paid when setting up and customising IMSMA<sup>NG__NoTOC__</sup!-- Template Box --> to support a programme’s information management needs and to get the most out of the system.''*[[The Making of IMSMA]]*[[Core Design Concepts]]*[[IMSMANG Demo Video]]*[[IMSMANG Suite]]{| id="mp-upper" id="mf-nec" style="width: 100%; margin:4px 0 0 0; background:none; border-spacing: 0px;"
<!-- WHAT IS IMSMA -->| class="MainPageBG" style="width:54%; border:1px solid #fff; background:#fff; vertical-align:top; color:#000;" |{| id="mp-left" id="mf-nec" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; background:#fff;"| style="padding:2px;" | <h2 id="mp-tfa-h2" id="mf-nec" style=Establishing "margin:3px; background:#c14e5f; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; color:#fff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">What is IMSMA as your ?</h2>|-| style="color:#000;" | <div id="mp-tfa" id="mf-nec" style="padding:2px 5px">The '''Information Management System==This section describes for Mine Action''' is a software designed to support the needs of the process mine action community for understanding decision support, monitoring and documenting the important pieces reporting. Core elements of an IMSMA include a <abbr title="Open source object-relational database management system">PostgreSQL</abbr> database engine and a geographic information system (GIS) for displaying information model on maps. Its [[Understanding Configuration Options| client/server architecture]] enables stand-alone installations for small [ mine action programmes] as well as client/server installations for implementing in IMSMANGlarge programmes with many users distributed across multiple sites and organisations. Additionally, IMSMA can be connected to supporting components that interact with the IMSMA system. This chapter covers includes the pieces in detail and provides guidance [[IMSMA Staging Area]] for advanced analytics and suggestions to information managers for making key decisions when establishing IMSMANG reporting as their information management systemwell more common tools like [ Microsoft Excel].
[[Core Design Concepts|Designed with ''flexibility'' and ''usability'']] at heart, IMSMA is [[Portal:IMSMA_NG_Administration#Customisation|very adaptable and can be continuously customised]] by individual programmes to suit their changing information management needs. This includes defining the type of mine action data to store and the relationships among the types, the forms used to collect information in the field and the workflows - such as for instance [ land release]. Significant attention should be paid when setting up and customising IMSMA to make sure that it is adapted to the needs of all staff and external stakeholders.
| style="padding:2px;" | <h2 id="mp-dyk-h2" id="mf-nec" style="margin:3px; background:#c14e5f; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; color:#fff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Did you know...</h2>
| style="color:#000; padding:2px 5px 5px;" | <div id="mp-dyk" id="mf-nec">First released in 1998, IMSMA is now the primary software
in mine action and is installed in '''47''' countries. IMSMA includes built-in flexibility to support a variety of information management needs, ranging from the largest humanitarian programs in the world to the smallest. IMSMA provides humanitarian organisations and planners with the necessary information to enhance project efficiency and maximize the value of limited resources.</div>
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Figure <!-- FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS -->| class="MainPageBG" id="mf-nec" style="width:45%; border:1px solid #fff; background:#fff; vertical-align:top;"|{| id="mp-right" id="mf-nec" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; background:#fff;"| style="padding:2px;" | <h2 id="mp-itn-h2" id="mf-nec" style="margin:3px; background:#999; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; color:#fff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Features</h2>|-| style="color:#000; padding:2px 5px;" | <div id="mp-itn" id="mf-nec">* A decision-support system with embedded GIS * Designed for the Windows operating systems and requires 3 GB of free disk space.* Currently translated into multiple languages including English, French and Spanish. </div>|-| style="padding:2px;" | <h2 id="mp-otd-h2" id="mf-nec" style="margin:3px; background:#999; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; color:#fff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Specifications</h2>|-| style="color:#000; padding:2px 5px 5px;" | <div id="mp-otd" id="mf-nec">* Java/J2EE client/server application (ver 1.7 32 bits)* [[Glossary#A|ArcGIS]] Engine ver 10.1 * PostgreSQL database engine (ver 9.1.4 32 bits)* [ JasperReports] reporting engine (iReport ver 5.0.1)* Utilises Mine Action XML ([ Steps 3/pdfs/kontotasiou.pdf maXML])* Runs on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, <br /> Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 and 2003.</div>|-| style="padding:2px;" | <h2 id="mp-tfp-h2" id="mf-nec" style="margin:3px; background:#CECECE; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; color:#fff; padding:0.2em 0.4em">Obtaining IMSMA systems&ensp;<span style="font-size:85%; font-weight:normal;"></span></h2>|-| style="color:#000; padding:2px;" | <div id="mp-tfp" id="mf-nec"> IMSMA is provided for Understanding and Documenting an Information Modelfree. Full details on how to [[Getting IMSMA systems Installation Package | get IMSMA systems installation package ]]. </div>|}|}
<!-- IMSMA Training and Support -->
{| id="mp-lower" id="mf-nec" style="margin:4px 0 0 0; width:100%; background:none; border-spacing: 0px;"
| class="MainPageBG" style="width:100%; border:1px solid #fff; background:#faf5ff; vertical-align:top; color:#000;" |
{| id="mp-bottom" id="mf-nec" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; background:#fff; color:#000;"
| style="padding:2px;" | <h2 id="mp-tfp-h2" id="mf-nec" style="margin:3px; background:#c14e5f; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; color:#fff; padding:0.2em 0.4em">IMSMA Training and Support&ensp;<span style="font-size:85%; font-weight:normal;"></span></h2>
| style="color:#000; padding:2px;" | <div id="mp-tfp" id="mf-nec"> For IMSMA systems training, refer to the [[Portal:Training|Training]] portal.
*For GICHD support to your country, refer to the [[Understanding Mine Action Information ManagementTeam]]*[[Understanding IMSMA Information Model]]*[[Understanding IMSMA Workflows and Business Rules]]*[[Understanding Configuration Options]]page.<!--/div>==How Can IMSMA Serve Your Mine Action Programme?==|}''This section helps an information manager determine the elements of his or her programme that must be represented in IMSMA.''|}
*[[Mine Action Management Overview]]*[[Assessing Information Management Needs]] ==Understanding IMSMA's Information Model to Meet Mine Action Information Management Needs== ''This section explains how mine action data is represented in the IMSMA system.''*[[IMSMA's Key Concepts and Information Model]]*[[IMSMA's Workflow and Business Rules]]--> ==Getting Started with IMSMA==When an information manager has a thorough understanding of the information requirements for the programme, the next step are to install the software and begin customising IMSMANG to accommodate these needs. This section provides instructions for customising IMSMANG’s core features to match the needs of an individual programme. It includes instructions for viewing, adding, editing, deleting and translating predefined data and custom data. System administrators perform these tasks during the initial set up of IMSMANG and during routine management of the system. *[[Getting IMSMA | Acquiring a copy of IMSMA]]*[[Installing IMSMA]]*[[Customizing IMSMA]] <!--*[[Quick Start Guide]] *[[Using IMSMA]]*[[Maintaining IMSMA NG]]*'''[[Using this wiki]]'''*'''[[Initial Wiki Info]]'''*[[Help:Start Page]]*[[Concept:Start Page]]*[[System Configuration]] For ZIM file -->{| id="mp-lower" id=Working with IMSMA"mf-nec" style==''This section will include pages that are pre"margin:4px 0 0 0; width:100%; background:none; border-arranged with appropriate content based on a user's '''ROLE''' so that users can find information that is pertinent to their role in information management.''*[[Using IMSMA]]*[[Maintaining IMSMA]] <!--*Data Entry User*System Administrator*Information Manager*Operations User-->spacing: 0px;"| class="MainPageBG" style=IMSMA Remote Entry (IRE)== * [[HowTo"width:100%; border:Install and Uninstall (IMSMA Remote Entry)|Installing IRE]]* [[HowTo1px solid #fff; background:Complete and Manage Field Reports (IMSMA Remote Entry)|Using IRE]]* [[HowTo#faf5ff; vertical-align:Configure the System (IMSMA Remote Entry)|Administrating IRE]]* [[HowTotop; color:Configure List Options and Translate the System (IMSMA Remote Entry)#000;" |Maintaining IRE]]* [[IMSMA Remote Entry{|IRE User Guide]] id="mp-bottom" id=IMSMA Guides"mf-nec" style==''This section will include pages that are pre"width:100%; vertical-arranged with appropriate content to mimic existing user guides so that users can find information as they used to.''align:top; background:#faf5ff; color:#000;"|}* IMSMA Installation Guide* IMSMA Administrative Guide* IMSMA User Manual* IMSMA i-Report User Guide ==Exercise book==|}