
Viewing and Browsing in IMSMANG

4,957 bytes removed, 01:24, 27 May 2017
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{{TOC right}}
===Interacting with Panes===
|[[HowTo:View the Menu Bar Options|View the Menu Bar Options]]
|[[HowTo:Display Item Records in the Items Pane|Display Item Records in the Items Pane]]
|[[HowTo:Display Records for a Country Structure Area|Display Records for a Country Structure Area]]
|[[HowTo:Expand a Country Structure Area Node|Expand a Country Structure Area Node]]
|[[HowTo:Collapse a Country Structure Area Node|Collapse a Country Structure Area Node]]
|[[HowTo:Display the Icons of Item Records on the Map|Display the Icons of Item Records on the Map]]
|[[HowTo:Enable a Map Theme|Enable a Map Theme]]
|[[HowTo:Display Geospatial Data for an Item Record on the Map|Display Geospatial Data for an Item Record on the Map]]
|[[HowTo:Display Data for a Selected Item Record|Display Data for a Selected Item Record]]
|[[HowTo:Identify Selected Item Records and Icons|Identify Selected Item Records and Icons]]
:*Selecting the country structure area of your choice
:*Displaying items on the map
{| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"
|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.]]
|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Items with a grey background in the items pane do not have geographic coordinates and they cannot be displayed on the map.
|align="center" colspan="2"|[[Image:vaB03.png|500px]]
:*Identifying an item from the map
===Viewing Additional Data on the Map===
|[[HowTo:Enable an IMSMA Theme|Enable an IMSMA Theme]]
|[[HowTo:Change IMSMA Theme Display Properties|Change IMSMA Theme Display Properties]]
|[[HowTo:Change the Display Order of IMSMA Themes|Change the Display Order of IMSMA Themes]]
|[[HowTo:Display the Item Icon on the Map|Display the Item Icon on the Map from the Current View]]
|[[HowTo:View the Previous and Next Map in the Series|View the Previous and Next Map in the Series]]
|[[HowTo:Select Icons on the Map|Select Icons on the Map]]
|[[HowTo:Display the Area and Length of a Polygon|Display the Area and Length of a Polygon]]
|[[HowTo:Identify Objects on the Map|Identify Objects on the Map]]
|[[HowTo:Measure Distance on the Map|Measure Distance on the Map]]
|[[HowTo:Reposition the Map Image|Reposition the Map Image]]
|[[HowTo:Lasso an Area on the Map|Lasso an area on the Map]]
|[[HowTo:Zoom in on and Recentre the Map|Zoom in on and Recentre the Map]]
|[[HowTo:Change the Map Scale|Change the Map Scale]]
|[[HowTo:Display the Map at a Larger Scale|Display the Map at a Larger Scale]]
|[[HowTo:Display the Map at a Smaller Scale|Display the Map at a Smaller Scale]]
|[[HowTo:Recentre the Map to Coordinates|Recentre the Map to Coordinates]]
|[[HowTo:Display the Original Map View|Display the Original Map View]]
|[[HowTo:Change the Map Projection|Change the Map Projection]]
|[[HowTo:Display the Full Extent|Display the Full Extent]]
|[[HowTo:Change the Coordinate Reference System Display| Change the Coordinate Reference System Display]]
|[[HowTo:Refresh the Map|Refresh the Map]]
|[[HowTo:Control the Page Layout|Control the Page Layout]]
|[[HowTo:Control the Coordinate Display|Control the Coordinate Display]]
:*Using the map tools
{| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"
|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.]]
|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Using the map tools activates the map status bar in the bottom of the IMSMA Navigation window.
:*Displaying items by subcategories
:*Displaying auxiliary data
:*Displaying labels
===Browsing the Items Pane===
====Rearranging Displayed Items====
====Displaying New Column Headings====
====Viewing a Specific Item Current View Window====
|[[HowTo:Display the Item Icon on the Map|Display the Item Icon on the Map from the Current View ]]
|[[HowTo:Display the Item Associated Location View|Display the Item Associated Location View]]
|[[HowTo:Display Data for a Selected Item Record|Display Data for a Selected Item Record from a Location View]]
{| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"
|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.]]
|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Current view windows can be customised and may present different tabs and summary headings. Contact your local administrator if you cannot find the links table.
====Viewing Linked Items of the Selected Item====
{| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"
|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.]]
|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Links reflect the reconciliation steps performed before the approval of the selected item. For more details on reconciling and approving data, see ''Reconciling and Approving Data in IMSMANG''.
====Viewing Historic Details====
====Browsing Locations====
|[[HowTo:Display Data for a Selected Item Record from a Location ViewIMSMA Navigation Window]]|[[Country Structure Pane]]|[[Map Pane]]|Display Data for a Selected Item Record from a Location View[[Items Pane]]|[[HowTo:Change Explore the Status of a Selected Item RecordToolbars|Change Explore the Status of a Selected Item RecordToolbars]]|[[Summary Window|Access the Summary Windows]]|[[Auxiliary Data]]
:The [[Image:vaB15.png|500pxIMSMA Navigation Window]] ====Browsing Tasks====immediately displays at the launch of the system.
The IMSMA Navigation Window has three panes:the [[Image:vaB16.png|500pxCountry Structure Pane]], the [[Map Pane]] and the [[Items Pane]].
{| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[Image:bulb2NavWindow.png|25pxcenter|500px|Represents a tip or note for using ''IMSMA Mobile.Navigation Window Panes'']]|<div align="leftcenter" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Tasks do not display in current view windows.>''IMSMA Navigation Window Panes''|}</div>
===Viewing Auxiliary Data Lists==={{HowTo's |[[HowTo:Filter The three panes work together. The contents of the Explosive Ordnance List|Filter Item and the Explosive Ordnance List]]|[[HowTo:Filter Map pane is controlled by the Organisation List|Filter Country Structure pane. Users can browse the Organisation List]]|[[HowTo:Filter data by clicking in the Place List|Filter Item pane or the Place List]]}}Map pane.
[[Image:*Choose VaB01.png|center|600px|''IMSMA Panes work together'Data entry']]<div align="center">'' IMSMA Panes work together''</div> select an auxiliary data type.
{{IMSMANG}} contains three types of data:* Items ([[Image:vaB17Location Summary Window | Location]], [[Land Summary Window | Land]], [[Activity Summary Window | Activity]], [[Accident Summary Window| Accident]], [[Victim Summary Window | Victim]], [[Assistance Summary Window | Assistance]], [[Education Summary Window | Education ]] and [[QM Summary Window| QM]]).png* [[Task Tab | Task]]* [[Auxiliary Data |500pxAuxiliary data]](different classifications, Organisation and Place).The Items pane displays Task and approved items. The Auxiliary data is found in the ''Data Entry'' menu.
:Each item has its own [[Image:vaB18Summary Window]] (which may be customised) that can be opened to browse for details and linked items.pngFor more information on reconciliation, approving and linking, see [[Reconciling and Approving Data in IMSMANG |500pxReconciling and Approving Data in {{IMSMANG}}]].
:[[Image:vaB19VaB13.png|500pxcenter|600px|''Summary Window'']]<div align="center">''Summary Window''</div>
{| style="border:2px solid lightgray; float:center; margin:10px;"{NavBox Working with IMSMA}}|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"|[[ImageCategory:bulb2.png|25px|Represents a tip or note for using IMSMA Mobile.NAA]]|align="left" style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"| Lists of auxiliary data provide direct access for adding new data or editing existing data.|}