
Add a new symbol to IMSMA.mxd

517 bytes added, 23:21, 27 June 2015
no edit summary
<li>Apply the same change to the other layers in the same group.</li>
<li>Rename your background mxd. This mxd must '''not''' previously been merged/imported into {{IMSMANG}}. </li>
<li>In the IMSMA client (if your configuration is client/server then start the IMSMA client on the server computer) go to File, Import, Map. </li>
<li>Import the background map which will be merged with the updated IMSMA.mxd. </li>
<div align="center">
'' New symbol is added in Map Display ''
<li>Verify in Map Display that the changes are applied.</li>
{{NavBox HowTo Setting up Maps}}