
Creating Ad Hoc Views in MINT

748 bytes added, 14:42, 22 January 2015
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=== Charts ===__NOEDITSECTION__
Several different chart types are available in MINT to visually display data. Each chart type has its own display rules. If a chart requires a specific number of attributes in '''Columns''' and '''Rows''', then a brief help text is displayed. The best way to get familiar with different chart types is to try them out on real data.
=== Crosstabs ===__NOEDITSECTION__
Crosstabs act like pivot tables, i.e. they allow displaying measures according to several combinations of dimensions, and summarising data for each dimension. The following example shows a crosstab displaying areasizes by province, status and contamination type, as well as totals by province, status and contamination type.
=== Filters ===__NOEDITSECTION__