
Auxiliary Data

6 bytes added, 07:21, 24 July 2014
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{{Note | To View, Add, Edit and Delete Auxiliary Data, your {{IMSMANG}} user account must belong to a User Role that has permission with ''Read and Write'' level. Contact your {{IMSMANG}} Administrator if you have questions on permissions. }}
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Auxiliary data provide supplementary or additional information to [[Items Pane|'''items''']] and include Country structureStructure, Assistance classification, Cause classification, Needs classification, Ordnance classification, Organisations and Places. Note that [[Using_the_Tasking_Tool_in_IMSMANG|Tasks]] are not included in neither items or auxiliary data.
==Assistance, Cause and Needs classifications==__NOEDITSECTION__
* ''Assistance'' that the victim has received
They are as the Country structure Structure a tree structure. Ideally, a Mine Action Programme uses official, countrywide classifications that ensures mine action information is compatible with other national datasets. {{IMSMANG}} contains a set of pre-defined levels of classifications. These should be seen as a starting point for discussions in each Mine Action and/or Assistance Programme.
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==Country Structure==__NOEDITSECTION__
The Country structure Structure represents a gazetteer, the political or administrative divisions within a country. In {{IMSMANG}}, the Country structure Structure allows a Mine Action Programme to link Mine Action information to areas and report statistics such as number of victims per province or district. Ideally, a Mine Action Programme uses an official, countrywide country structure Country Structure that ensures mine action information is compatible with other national datasets.
Ideally, the country structure Country Structure in {{IMSMANG}}, covers all levels of the existing Country structureStructure, from the country level down to a level that can be represented with a single point such as a town or village. If a Mine Action programme has special areas levels such as Areas of Responsibility that do not exists in the Country structureStructure, artificial areas levels may be inserted into the Country structure Structure in {{IMSMANG}}.
To display a Country structure Structure node like a town or village on the map, it is necessary to add a geographic coordinate for the node.
==Ordnance Classification==__NOEDITSECTION__
{{IMSMANG}} provides the ability to track information about Organisations participating in Mine Action. Organisations can be categorised by type and assigned “work areas” based on the country structureCountry Structure. To display Organisations on the map, they must have geospatial data (minimum one set of coordinates).
Additionally, {{IMSMANG}} supports the creation of parent-child relationships with organisations so that information managers can create hierarchies of organisations. For example, a mine clearance organisation may be responsible for several clearance teams within a country. As shown in the figure below, this relationship can be mapped by creating one organisation for the mine clearance organisation (NGO1) and one organisation for each team (TeamA, TeamB and TeamC), then specifying the parent organisation of each team as NGO1.