
Data quality checks before upgrading to V6.0

773 bytes added, 17:42, 6 February 2014
no edit summary
|[[Space coordinates]]
|[[MGRS coordinates]]
|[[Coordinate display rules]]
|[[Point ID Length]]
|[[Coordinate display rules]]
|[[Coordinate display rules]]
When data has been migrated or imported it is possible that the column userinputformat in the table geopoint, which controls coordinate display, has not been set correctly. When the display field is set correctly the columns are high-lighted with yellow. If the user tries to edit a row which does not have one of the rules set, the coordinates will not be populated in the Point window. This issue only affects the edit of Auxiliary data coordinates and Data Entry Forms in the Workbench.
===Length of Point ID===__NOEDITSECTION__
Point (local) ID should be unique and clearly identify single and polygon points. But it is possible to type blanks instead of characters/numbers. If spaces have been used it is not possible for the users to see difference when entering/editing the points.
If you get length 0, 1 or 2 I recommend to look into the values of Point ID.
===Missing approval information===__NOEDITSECTION__
Due to changed behaviour of migration/import scripts in version 5.08.02 and a bug in 5.08.04 approval information may be missing.
===Length of Point ID===__NOEDITSECTION__
===Length of Point ID===__NOEDITSECTION__
===Length of Point ID===__NOEDITSECTION__