
Translate enumeration lists

519 bytes added, 19:16, 17 June 2017
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{{note|You can also translate option values via a [[Export the Translations | translation file]].}}
To translate an option value:
<li>From In the '''Customisation''' menu, select &rarr; '''Data Inventory Manager'''.</li>[[Image:The Data Inventory Manager window displaysDIM enum2.png|600px|center]]<li>From In the left pane of the Data Inventory Manager window, select expand the item and data category to where the the field is which you would like to add a custom optiontranslate an enumeration value for.</li><li>From In the right pane, click the row associated with with the item attribute to which field that you would like add a custom option translate an enumeration valuefor.</li><li>Click the [[ImageFile:FieldTemplateIconFieldViewIcon.png]] button.</li>[[Image:The CustomOptionsList2.png|center|400px|''Custom Options List Window'']]<div align="center">''Custom Options List window displays. Window''</div><li>From In the Custom Options List window, click the '''Translate''' button.</li>[[Image:The DIM enum translate.png|center|400px|''Translated Term List Window'']]<div align="center">''Translated Terms Term List window displays the custom option values. Window''</div>
<li>Select the language for which you would like to provide the translation from the '''Language''' list.</li>
 <li>Click the '''Apply''' button.</li>:The list window displays the terms translations for the selected language. </li>
<li>Click the row associated with the option that you would like to translate.</li>
<li>Click the [[ImageFile:FieldTemplateIconFieldViewIcon.png]] button.</li>[[Image:The DIM enum translate2.png|center|400px|''Translated Terms Editor window displaysWindow'']]<div align="center">''Translated Terms Editor Window''</div><li>If you would like the translation to be used for all fields that have the enumeration value, enter the translation in '''Global Translation''' field.</li><li>Enter If you would like the translated term translation to be used for only this field, enter the translation in the '''Field Translation''' field.</li>
<li>Click the '''Save''' button.</li>
{{NavBox HowTo Data Elements}}