
Configuring the Items ID Generator

107 bytes added, 13:56, 29 November 2012
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For example, CR-HQ-1.
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Local ID Name''' || A text string that represents the item category or subcategory. For example, a completion report could be represented by “CR.”
| '''System Name''' || A value specified in the Client Configuration Tool of the IMSMANG TrayLauncher where system administrators can set a separate system name for each installation of IMSMANG. For example, the Headquarters installation could have “HQ” as a system name while a regional installation could have “R1.”
| '''Incremented Number''' || A value that increases each time a new ID is generated. Information managers can specify the next number to be generated when the local ID generator button is clicked. For example, a new local ID starting with CR-HQ-1 and proceeding to CR-HQ-2 and so on will be generated each time the Completion Report local ID generator is clicked.
Local ID Name A text string that represents the item category or subcategory. For example, a completion report could be represented by “CR.”{| class="wikitable"|-System Name A value specified in the Client Configuration Tool of the IMSMANG TrayLauncher where system administrators can set a separate system name for each installation of IMSMANG. For example, the Headquarters installation could have “HQ” as a system name while a regional installation could have “R1.” Incremented Number A value that increases each time a new ID is generated. Information managers can specify the next number to be generated when the local ID generator button is clicked. For example, a new local ID starting with CR-HQ-1 and proceeding to CR-HQ-2 and so on will be generated each time the Completion Report local ID generator is clicked| [[File:Note.jpg | 40px ]] ||    {{note|* Information managers can also create an individual local ID for each field report template that indicates the kind of information in the form. For example, a completion report can have a local ID beginning with “FR-CR-” to give users an immediate understanding of the content of the form.* For templates intended to update existing items, such as status change templates, information managers can remove the local ID generator or the ID field entirely to prevent users from accidentally creating new local IDs for existing items.|}} .