Change Single Selection Option List

Revision as of 14:45, 23 May 2013 by Dionysia (talk | contribs) (Editing a Combo Box)

Single selection lists can be displayed on a field report template either as a list of radio buttons, or as a combo box. You can change the way a specific single selection list displays on a field report template, even if it is set by default (from the Data Inventory Manager) to display differently. The following tables describe how to edit a specific list of radio buttons and a combo box, respectively.

Note.jpg If you wish to edit how every instance of a single selection list displays, see How To Edit Single Select Lists on the Design Pane.


Editing a Radio Buttons List

How To Step to Complete
Set a Default Selection
  1. Select the list option to be the default.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. The Component Property Editor window displays.
  4. Select Default Value
  5. Click Submit
  6. The list option is selected by default when the Data Entry Form template is opened.
Change the order of list options Drag the list options to reorder the list.
Delete a list option
  1. Select one or more list options.
  2. Click Clear
  3. The list options no longer display in the list.
Edit a list option label
  1. Select a list option.
  2. Click 'Properties.
  3. The Component Property Editor window displays.
  4. Edit the label in the Text field, or edit the font style in the Font field
  5. Click Submit.
  6. The label displays according to the changes made.
Change a radio button list to a combo box
  1. Select a list option.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. The Component Property Editor window displays.
  4. Select Combo Box.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. The radio button list displays as a combo box

Editing a Combo Box

How To Step to Complete
Set a default selection
  1. Select a list option.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. The Component Property Editor window displays.
  4. Select the list options to be the default
  5. Click Submit.
  6. The list option is selected by default when the Data Entry Form template is opened
    Change the order of list options
    1. Select a list option.
    2. Click Properties.
    3. The Component Property Editor window displays.\
    4. Click Custom Options Editor
    5. The Combo Box Options Display window displays.
    6. Select a list option.
    7. Click UpBlueArrow.png or DownBlueArrow.png to reorder the list.
    8. Click Submit
    Delete a list option
    1. Select a combo box.
    2. Select Properties
    3. The Component Property Editor window displays.
    4. Click Custom Options Editor.
    5. The Combo Box Options Display window displays.
    6. Select list options.
    7. Click File:Remove.png
    8. The option is deleted from the table.
    9. Click Submit
    10. The option no longer displays in the combo box.
    Edit a list option label
    1. Change the combo box into a radio button list.
    2. Edit the radio button list label.
    3. When finished, change the radio button list to a combo box.
    Change a combo box to a radio button list
    1. Select a list option.
    2. Click Properties.
    3. The Component Property Editor window displays.
    4. Select Radio Buttons.
    5. Click Submit.
    6. The combo box displays as a radio button list.